Why Should I Choose Thermography?

Thermography is very helpful for tracking your health and goes beyond breast screening. We offer half- and full-body scans, or specific regions of interest (eg, head/neck, breast/chest, hands/arms, legs/feet). We also scan men and children.


Thermography is used as an adjunct to diagnosis and can show early abnormalities which can prompt early intervention. It can also be used to monitor therapy progress for many conditions and injuries including but not limited to vascular disease, back injuries, stroke risk, headache, referred pain syndrome, unexplained pain, RSD, dental, TMJ, inflammatory pain, breast disease, nerve damage, digestive disorders, whiplash, disk disease, artery inflammation, arthritis and more.

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  • Non-invasive, painless, radiation-free
  • It is unique to visualize physiological changes and metabolic processes
  • Thermography can be repeated as often as you like without the danger of exposed radiation. It suited for regular/annual breast screening, including post-surgery or during treatment
  • It is useful for young or older women for whom mammogram is not appropriate – dense breast tissue, sensitivity to ionized radiation
  • FDA approved as an ADJUNCT to mammogram since 1982
  • Over 800 peer-reviewed studies on the effectiveness of thermography
  • Over 83% accurate in the early screening of breast cancer. If it is combined with mammogram or ultrasound the accuracy is 95%
  • Affordable
  • No prescription necessary
  • Efficient – your first visit will be approximately 30-60 minutes

Breast Thermography

Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) shows the subtle physiologic changes that accompany breast pathology (cancer, fibrocystic disease, lymph congestion, inflammation or vascular changes etc.), offering the chance to become aware of worrisome physiological changes before formal diagnosis. Thermography is a test of physiology, while mammogram, ultrasound, and MRI are a test of anatomy. This means that we cannot detect masses. All women can benefit from thermal screening, especially younger women in their 30s-50s with dense breast tissue, overweight women, women with fibrocystic conditions, and women with breast implants. It is also a valuable test to see the chest wall and the lymphatic system in the axilla that mammogram misses.

According to the National Cancer Institute, 90-95% of Breast Cancers are "lifestyle"-related

Breast thermography allows women to be proactive about their breast health at any age. ​ Thermography is NOT a replacement of mammogram but it is a valuable adjunct. Thermography, along with either mammogram/ultrasound/MRI, and self-evaluation gives a comprehensive early screening opportunity for women.

When looking at the root causes of breast cancer, only 5%-10% are related to genetics. What contributes to breast cancer?

  • Age, race
  • Smoking
  • Overweight, obesity
  • Prolonged estrogen exposure
  • First full-term pregnancy after age 30
  • Never having a full-term pregnancy
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Early start of menstruation/ late menopause
  • Poor diet/ lack of exercise
  • Stress and toxins
  • Family history
  • Age, race
  • Smoking
  • Overweight, obesity
  • Prolonged estrogen exposure
  • First full-term pregnancy after age 30
  • Never having a full-term pregnancy
  • Heavy alcohol use
  • Early start of menstruation/ late menopause
  • Poor diet/ lack of exercise
  • Stress and toxins
  • Family history

Thermography isn't a cure but offers the earliest possible method for monitoring physiological changes in the breast, and is a predictive indicator.

Early predictive indications offer the opportunity for early intervention and prevention.

To establish a baseline, 2 scans are recommended within 3-6 months to see if there is any abnormal activity happening. Assuming there are no thermal changes after the 2 baseline scans, annual screening is recommended.